We’re Friendly & Accessible
Our team of web gurus and masters know the business inside and out. But that’s not what makes us smart. We take our business serious enough to know that customer service is first and foremost. You’ll never wait 2 hours waiting on a callback or email. We’re here to serve you no matter what you need when you need it.
We’ve Got the Right Tools
We utilize the industry’s leading web hosting control panel, cPanel, for all our shared/reseller hosting and managed dedicated servers. We’ve bundled cPanel with Softaculous, a powerful script for installing all your favorite blogging software, forum boards, photo galleries, and much more!
Superior Support
We have partnered with Bobcares to provide TRUE 24/7 technical support. Bobcares has over 300 engineers and 10 years experience in the web hosting industry. They are pioneers in the industry.
Guaranteed Customer Pure Delight
We pride ourselves on not just satisfying but delighting our customers. We enjoy servicing every customer with appreciation and genuinely care about helping you achieve your goals. If you aren’t receiving excellent service from your web hosting company, we want to talk to you. We’ll make it right.